Ismail, Salma2017-05-312017-05-312009Ismail, S. (2009) Popular pedagogy and the changing political landscape: a case study of a women’s housing movement in South Africa. Studies in Continuing Education Vol. 31, No. 3. 281-295.0158-037X paper sets out to explore the relationship between popular education and the changing South African political landscape through case study research of the Victoria Mxenge Housing Development Association. The research took place over an extended period of time from 1992#2003 and discusses how popular education was advocated by the South African Homeless People’s Federation and its parent NGO (People’s Dialogue); how it was implemented, how an increasing disjuncture between teaching and learning occurred, and how pedagogy was shaped by both political and personal factors. The paper discusses the interactions between social movements and NGOs and the limitations of social movements and popular education. It argues for a more nuanced conceptuenPublisher retains copyright. Authors may archive the published version in their Institutional Repository.Popular pedagogyPeople-centered developmentSocial movementsAgency and genderPopular pedagogy and the changing political landscape: A case study of a women’s housing movement in South AfricaArticle