Beukes, Denzil R.Adegoke, Yusuf Adeyemi2020-12-092024-05-152021-01-012024-05-152020 Pharmaceuticae - DPharmNatural products have been an important source of drugs and novel lead compounds in drug discovery. Their unique scaffolds have led to the synthesis of derivatives that continue to give rise to medicinally relevant agents. Thus, natural product-inspired drugs represent a significant proportion of drugs in the market and with several more in development. Cancer is among the leading public health problems and a prominent cause of death globally. Chemotherapy has been important in the management of this disease even though side effects that arise due to lack of selectivity is still an issue.enAsparagineDichloromethaneCorrelation spectroscopyDeuterated chloroformHsp90 inhibitorsDesign and synthesis of new scaffolds as antiproliferative agents and potential hsp90 inhibitorsUniversity of Western Cape