Goldin, JacquelineNhamo, LuxonNcube, Bongani2022-09-122022-09-122022Goldin, J. et al. (2022). Resilience and sustainability of the water sector during the Covid-19 pandemic. Sustainability, 14(3), 1482. COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented socio-economic changes, ushering in a “new (ab)normal” way of living and human interaction. The water sector was not spared from the effects of the pandemic, a period in which the sector had to adapt rapidly and continue providing innovative water and sanitation solutions. This study unpacks and interrogates approaches, products, and services adopted by the water sector in response to the unprecedented lockdowns, heralding novel terrains, and fundamental paradigm shifts, both at the community and the workplace. The study highlights the wider societal perspective regarding the water and sanitation challenges that grappled society before, during, after, and beyond the pandemic.enSustainabilityCovid-19Industrial revolutionPublic healthWater and sanitationResilience and sustainability of the water sector during the Covid-19 pandemicArticle