Kunneke, EVan Niekerk, LRoss, Melanie SamatraDept. of DieteticsFaculty of Community and Health Sciences2013-08-132024-04-172007/05/292009/01/212013-08-132024-04-172006https://hdl.handle.net/10566/11193Magister Scientiae (Nutrition Management) - MSc(NM)In order to provide a safer work environment for food services staff in large-scale food service units, an investigation into what kind of occupational accidents most commonly occur and to determine the most common resources which is required. In this mini-thesis a description of the occupational safety in kitchens of hospitals located in the Metropole Region of the Western Cape under the management of the Provincial Administration Western Cape is attempted.enOccupational hazzardsFood servicesA description of the occupational safety of large-scale food service units in the Metropole region under the management of the Provincial Administration Western CapeThesisUniversity of the Western Cape