Turner, Suzanne DawnNtshona, Zolile Mninawa2020-10-302024-11-112020-10-302024-11-112001https://hdl.handle.net/10566/19534Magister Philosophiae (Land and Agrarian Studies) - MPhil(LAS)The contribution of common property resources to rural people's livelihoods is enormous, yet policy makers overlook it. Wild resources, grazing resources and trees provide an important buffer for most rural households. This study investigates the contribution of common property resources, in particular communal rangeland resources, to rural people's livelihoods in the Maluti District of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Looking at an array of livelihood strategies which people use, the study investigates the proportional contribution of different livelihood strategies with reference to common property resources, specifically wild resources, grazing resources and trees.enMaluti districtRural livelihoodsWild resourcesGrazing resourcesLand tenureThe contribution of communal rangelands to rural people's livelihoods in the Maluti districtUniversity of Western Cape