Mohamed, Nadia2012-09-112012-09-112008Mohamed, N. (2008). A comparison of two liner materials for use in the ferric sulfate pulpotomy. South African Dental Journal, 63 (6): 338-3421029-4864 The aim of this study is to compare the success rate obtained when applying either a calcium hydroxide (Dycal) base or a zinc oxide-eugenol (Kalzinol) base following the traditional ferric sulfate pulpotomy. Methods: Patients were either treated in the chair or under general anaesthesia. All teeth had to have radiographic evidence of caries close to the pulp. After haemostasis was achieved with damp cotton pellets, ferric sulfate was applied to the pulpal stumps. Half of the cases then received a Dycal base followed by a cured layer of Vitrebond and a permanent amalgam restoration. The other half of the cases received a base of zinc oxide-eugenol (Kalzinol) followed by an amalgam restoration. The cases were followed up every 6 months for one year (ie. 2 follow-up visits). Radiographs were taken at each follow-up visit. Results: Overall, teeth treated with Dycal demonstrated a higher failure rate when compared with those that received the Kalzinol base. Abscess formation and internal resorption were the most common causes of failure. Even though the Kalzinol base demonstrated greater success, there were still quite a few failures. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that calcium hydroxide cannot be recommended as a medicament in primary tooth pulpotomies.enThis file may be freely used for educational uses. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this file is permitted without written permission of the South African Dental Association (SADA). Note that the SADA retains all intellectual property rights in the article.PulpotomyFerric sulfateCalcium hydroxidePrimary teethA comparison of two liner materials for use in the ferric sulfate pulpotomyArticle