Maphosa, First T.2021-07-022021-07-022018Maphosa, F.T. (2018). The economic impact of renewable and non-renewable energy technologies on small businesses: A case of small businesses near the Wallacedene taxi rank." 2018 International Conference on the Industrial and Commercial Use of Energy (ICUE), 1-10,Cape Town978-0-9946759-5-82166-059X South African National Development Plan contemplates that by 2030 South Africa will have an energy sector that promotes economic growth and development, social equity and environmental sustainability. This article explores the potential economic impact of 2 energy technology interventions. Firstly, introducing clean cooking stoves which use LPG gas, secondly, solar powered LED lights in small businesses operating within say a 200m radius from the Wallacedene taxi rank in Kraaifontein, Cape Town. Small businesses in this study take the example of Chisa Nyama braai spots, spaza shops and taverns. Wallacedene taxi rank is South Africa's first `green' taxi rank. It serves approximately 5 000 commuters daily. The Energy-Economic model (Samouilidis and Mitropoulos, 1982) would be used in the context of renewable and non-renewable energy technologies, economic development and energy poverty. The study employed two data collection instruments, which are an interview guide and a questionnaire. The instruments were qualitative in nature. Purposive sampling approach was employed to solicit information from renewable energy industry experts. A simple random sampling technique was used as a means of identifying the business operators as respondents who would participate in the survey. One of the findings was that the introduction of these technologies would contribute towards reducing energy poverty and boosting South Africa clean cooking stoves manufacturing industry. On the demand side according to the Energy-economic model, these small businesses will eventually realize positive financial savings as a result of a decrease in energy costs.enEconomic impactSmall businessManufacturingClean cooking stovesSolar LED lightingThe economic impact of renewable and non-renewable energy technologies on small businesses: A case of small businesses near the Wallacedene taxi rankArticle