Frantz, Jose M.2017-04-282017-04-282008Frantz, J. M. (2008). A knowledge assessment questionnaire relating to risk factors for chronic disease of lifestyle for high school learners: validity and reliability. Journal of Community & Health Sciences, 3(1): 30-371990-9403 The author aimed to develop a valid and reliable questionnaire that would measure the knowledge of learners relating to risk factors for chronic disease of lifestyle such as stroke, diabetes and hypertension. The questionnaire was intended to be used as part of a health education programme aimed at improving the knowledge of learners as it relates to risk factors for chronic diseases of lifestyle. METHOD: The development of the questionnaire was guided by Williams' nine steps of questionnaire design and was influenced by the national curriculum of education's life orientation programme and literature. A 31 item questionnaire was designed and presented to an expert panel. Content validity was done by the expert panel and face validity was tested through informal discussions with high school learners. Reliability testing was done using the test-retest method and Kappa co-efficient was used to test stability of the items. The questionnaire was administered to 40 high school learners but only 30 did the test the second time. RESULTS: The questionnaire yielded a reliability analysis that revealed internal consistency with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.897. The average score obtained by learners using this questionnaire was 14. CONCLUSION: The questionnaire can be used for learners with a grade 10 education. The questionnaire also highlighted that learners had a moderate knowledge relating to risk factors for chronic diseases of lifestyle and the need for appropriate information interventions was emphasized.enThis journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.KnowledgeQuestionnaireChronic diseasesRisk factorsA knowledge assessment questionnaire relating to risk factors for chronic disease of lifestyle for high school learners: validity and reliabilityArticle