Conradie, Ernst01/03/201701/03/20172015Conradie, E. (2015). Geloof sonder sekerhede? In gesprek met Anton van Niekerk. Stellenbosch Theological Journal, 1(1): 345-3592226-2385 this review article of Anton A van Niekerk's recent book Geloof sonder Sekerhede: Hoe kan ek nog glo? (Faith without certainties: How can I still believe?) (2014, Kaapstad: Lux Verbi. ISBN: 9780796318992), three creative tensions in Van Niekerk's book are identified and discussed. The tensions between orthodoxy and orthopraxy, between certainty and doubt and between scientific knowledge and the knowledge of faith. In each case, the question is raised to what extent Van Niekerk's own emphases are context dependent.otherStellenbosch Theological Journal is an Open Access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of Open Access.Anton van NiekerkReviewOrthodoxyOrthopraxyGeloof sonder sekerhede? In gesprek met Anton van NiekerkArticle