Sulle, EmmanuelSmalley, Rebecca2023-06-022023-06-022023Sulle, E & Smalley, R. (2023). Agricultural investment corridors in Africa: Making the voices of women and smallholder farmers count. uWC PLAAS corridors can improve livelihood opportunities for people living in far-flung areas – but only if they focus on smallholder farming, pastoralism, fishing, and infrastructure for small-scale trade. Land rights abuses have occurred as the corridor and growth pole projects have unfolded. Some poorly-designed programmes invited large agribusiness investments that displaced and marginalised local people. Smallholder-farmer and women’s organisations are rarely invited to contribute to the planning and design of the corridor and growth pole projects, and are only minimally involved in their governance.enSmall holder farmsAgribusinessDevelopment corridorsWomen's organisationsAgricultural investment corridors in Africa: Making the voices of women and smallholder farmers countArticle