Walters, ShirleyWitbooi, SallyAbrahams, Mark2015-10-282015-10-282015Walters, S. et al. (2015). Keeping the doors of learning open for adult student-workers within higher education. In Lifelong learning and professional development in residential universities. University of the Western Cape. Freedom Charter of the African National Congress (ANC), the triumphant South African liberation movement, proclaims that ‘the doors of learning shall be open’ for all. Twenty years since coming to power, the doors of the universities are struggling to stay open for adult student-workers. An action research project into implementation of ‘flexible provision’ at one historically black university is described in response to these realities. Rich experiences from lives of working librarian student-workers illustrate the complex issues that confront individuals, workplaces and institutions in implementing innovative pedagogies within a university.enFreedom CharterAdult student-workerInstitutional changeHigher education and training institutions (HEIs)Professional developmentCareer developmentPart-time studyAdult learnerHigher educationSouth AfricaKeeping the doors of learning open for adult student-workers within higher educationArticle