Mutanga, OnisimoDube, TimothyOmer, Galal2022-11-012022-11-012019Mutanga, O. et al. (2019). Assessing edge effect on the spatial distribution of selected forest biochemical properties derived using the Worldview data in Dukuduku forests, South Africa.African Journal of Ecology,57, 314–326. 10.1111/aje.126041365-202810.1111/aje.12604 work explores the potential of the high‐resolution WorldView‐2 sensor in quan‐tifying edge effects on the spatial distribution of selected forest biochemical proper‐ties in fragmented Dukuduku forest in KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa. Specifically, we sought to map fragmented patches within forested areas in Dukuduku area, using very high spatial resolution WorldView‐2 remotely sensed data and to statistically determine the effect of these fragmented patches on the spatial distribution of se‐lected forest biochemical properties.enFoliar nitrogenForest carbonForest dynamicsLeaf area indexSubtle forest changesAssessing edge effect on the spatial distribution of selected forest biochemical properties derived using the worldview data in Dukuduku forests, South AfricaArticle