Chenwi, Lilian2019-10-072019-10-072007Chenwi, L. (2007). 'The right to have access to adequate housing'. ESR Review, 8(2): 21 - 25 he right of access to adequate housing is important for the enjoyment of all human rights. A house is fundamental for human dignity and for physical and mental health, which are crucial for socio-economic development. The importance of this right is underscored in the South African Constitution of 1996 (the Constitution), which requires the state to respect, protect, promote and fulfil section 7(2) as well as to take reasonable legislative and other measures to realise the right to adequate housing progressively as set out in sections 26(1) and 26(2).enSouth AfricaSocio-economic RightsRight to housingConstitutionThe right to have access to adequate housingArticle