Muntingh, LukasGiffard, Chris2016-05-152016-05-152007Muntingh, L. and Giffard, C. (2007). The numbering of days: Sentencing and prison population growth. South African Crime Quarterly, 20: 21 - 302413-3108 30 May 2007 the Criminal Law Amendment Bill (15 of 2007) was tabled in Parliament, proposing amendments to what has become known as the 'minimum sentences' legislation. The proposed amendments herald another chapter in the prison overcrowding debate in South Africa and will focus attention on the impact of sentencing on the size of the prison population.enThis journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.Criminal Law Amendment Bill (15 of 2007)Prison sentencesLegislationPrison overcrowdingSouth AfricaPrison populationThe numbering of days: Sentencing and prison population growthArticle