Young, MariéMgulwa, Ntombise Nadia2023-08-102024-04-172023-08-102024-04-172023 Artium (Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science) - MA(SRES)The University Sport South Africa mandate is to promote sports, recreation, and mass participation at tertiary institutions in South Africa. Tertiary institutions could be used as sites to ensure an enabling environment where recreational opportunities can be created for the students to reap the benefits of participating in recreation. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between the students’ recreation needs and the recreation patterns at a tertiary institution. The Self-Determination Theory was adopted as the study’s theoretical framework. This study was a cross-sectional study that made use of quantitative methods to generate data. The entire student population was included and the sample was based on the power calculation of three hundred and seventy-nine (n=379) participants.enSport administrationSport managementRecreation programmeWestern CapeThe relationship between students’ campus recreation needs and recreation patterns at a tertiary institution in the Western CapeUniversity of the Western Cape