PLAAS2019-03-072019-03-072018PLAAS, 2018. Biennial report 2016 - 2017. Cape Town: Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS). research and postgraduate teaching, PLAAS undertakes training, provides advisory, facilitation and evaluation services and is active in the field of national policy development. Through these activities, and by seeking to apply the tools of critical scholarship to questions of policy and practice, we seek to develop new knowledge and fresh approaches to the transformation of society in Southern Africa. Our mission emphasises the central importance of the agro-food system in creating and perpetuating poverty — and also in eradicating it. For much of our existence, our work has concentrated heavily on issues of production in these systems. But our focus is broadening to consider crucial issues in land governance, agricultural production, tenure insecurity, the informal economy and social policy.enBiennial reportPLAASBiennial report 2016-2017Book