Subethra, PatherVivienne, Wilson2020-11-132020-11-132019Subethra, P. & Vivienne, W. (2019). Tutors use of semantic waves as a teaching strategy to guide student learning: A case study, International conference the future of education, 9th edition, Italy study investigated teaching and learning strategies, used by peer tutors in a Bachelor of Oral Health (BOH) tutorial class, to enhance active and engaged learning. This study was conducted on tutorial classes that were linked to a BOH high impact module which many students found challenging. Peer tutors who are senior students in the Faculty of Dentistry led the tutorial classes. Tutorial classes refer to small group teaching which allow for one-on-one interaction and increased student engagement with a peer tutor.enPeer tutorsTeaching strategiesSemantic wavesTutors use of semantic eaves as a teaching strategy to guide student learning: A case studyOther