Syce, JamesHess, Meggan SadeSouth African Herbal Science and Medicine Institute (SAHSMI)Faculty of Science2014-01-172024-05-172011/10/032011/10/032014-01-172024-05-172010 Scientiae - MScThe overall aims of this project were to assess the pharmaceutical quality and consistency of commercially available solid dose Sutherlandia frutescens containing products (viz. tablets & capsules) by exploring the use of monitoring the pharmaceutical presentation, flavonoid profile and antioxidant activity levels and to develop/or adapt methods and specifications that may be used for the quality control of such products.Stability tests were conducted on all of the selected SCP. The products were stored under elevated temperatures and environmental humidity conditions and total phenol, antioxidant and chromatographic analysis was conducted on these samples. Samples of each of the SCP were hydrolyzed using HCL and then analyzed using HPLC to test the stability of the flavonoids present in each product. The SCP investigated in this study physically appeared to be of quite good “pharmaceutical” quality, but generally lacked information on the date of manufacture and lacked package inserts, or when these were present they contained insufficient information. Based on the results obtained, it is recommended that, the manufacturers of SCP pay more attention to the information provided on the package inserts and the storage conditions for their products. Further the levels of antioxidant activity, total phenols and flavonoid (sutherlandins A to D) be used as specifications to control the quality of commercially available solid dose Sutherlandia frutescens containing preparations on an individual basis.enSutherlandia frutescensAntioxidant activityFlavonoidsHPLCDPPHFRAPUse of antioxidant activity and flavonoid levels to assess the quality of commercially available solid dose Sutherlandia frutescens productsThesisUniversity of the Western Cape