Monjane, Boaventura2023-04-122023-04-122022Monjane, B. et al. (2022). Resisting agrarian neoliberalism and authoritarianism: Struggles towards a progressive rural future in Mozambique. Journal of Agrarian Change, 23(1), 185–203. nearly two and a half decades with a Land Law widely considered progressive, Mozambique is preparing to revise its legal framework for land. Land activists accuse the government of pursuing an authoritarian approach, excluding civil society participation, and falsifying public consultations. The revision would mark a major shift in Mozambique's land policy towards an even more neoliberal framework to allow the transfer of individual land titles.enAgrarian neoliberalismAuthoritarianismMozambiqueLand legislationPopulation studiesResisting agrarian neoliberalism and authoritarianism: Struggles towards a progressive rural future in MozambiqueArticle