Kleinbooi, Karin2019-03-282019-03-282013Kleinbooi K (2013) ‘Farmworkers’ living and working conditions, Workshop Report, 19 September 2013, School of Government, UWC. PLAAS, UWC: Bellville.http://hdl.handle.net/10566/4582The Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) has, with the support of the Atlantic Philanthropies through its Rural Research and Information Networking Project, engaged in supporting identified information needs of civil society organisations (CSOs) towards progressive change. The project concentrates on creating dialogues between CSOs and researchers on relevant research agendas, support and promoting a spirit of co-operation. The ‘Farm Worker’s Living and Working Conditions’ Workshop was held on 19 September 2013 at the School of Government, University of Western Cape. It brought together over 30 participants from the farm worker and researcher fraternity to consider the critical questions that are framing the debates on farm workers.enFarmworkersWorking conditionsWorkshop report: Farmworkers’ living and working conditionsOther