Conradie, InaNakijoba, Rosemary2020-11-232024-11-112020-11-232024-11-112020 Doctor - PhDAfter a war of nearly two decades in the Acholi sub-region of northern Uganda many families and communities were physically, socially, economically and psychologically devastated. A myriad of other concomitant effects of the war such as distorted gender relations in households and undue exposure of vulnerable children to the menace of hazardous child labour manifest in the communities today. A plethora of non-government organisations has worked in the Acholi subregion trying to transform the communities after the war, but these challenges remain thus compromising social justice and the well-being of children.enAcholi sub-regionGender relationsHazardous child labourSocial justicePost warThe synergy between gender relations, child labour and disability in the post-war Acholi sub-region of Northern UgandaUniversity of Western Cape