Fourie, Louis C.H.Njenga, James KariukiDept. of Information SciencesFaculty of Economics and Management Sciences2013-09-032024-05-032011/04/282011/04/282013-09-032024-05-032011 Doctor - PhDThis research was undertaken to propose a model for eLearning adoption in Higher Education in Africa and to identify and empirically test measures to assess the model. The model identified eLearning, individual and organisational factors affecting eLearning adoption in higher education. eLearning factors were deemed to be aligned with the individual and organisational factors and therefore, the measurement of individual and organisational factors of eLearning adoption is essential in determining the current state, and future development that could enhance eLearning adoption in higher education. This study is a first attempt in Africa to define and present a conceptualization of an eLearning adoption framework. The framework is a combination of frameworks and models from various disciplines, including social psychology, information systems, anthropology, sociology, education, communication, marketing, management, geography, economics and cognitive psychology. These frameworks for eLearning adoption in Higher Education are synergised and contextualised in the study.eneLearningeLearning adoptioneLearning adoption frameworkHigher Education InstitutionsInformation and Communication Technology (ICT)Technology in education eLearning diffusioneLearning implementationAttitude toward eLearningPerceptions toward eLearningeLearning adoption in Eastern and Southern African higher education institutionsThesisUniversity of the Western Cape