Lenaghan, PatriciaJurgens, Hishaam2015-05-042024-11-062015-05-042024-11-062012https://hdl.handle.net/10566/18082Magister Legum - LLMThis mini-thesis is based on the presumption that the Danish cartoons and the anti-Muslim clip posted on YouTube as forms of expression, ridiculed the religious beliefs and practices of Muslims which in turn affected the exercise of religious freedom as it violated the dignity of the bearers of the right to freedom of religion and therefore a conflict between the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression exists. The above incidence of conflict between the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression involves infringing the freedom of religion of the Islamic community. Blasphemy in Islam is speech that is insulting to God, but during the course of Muslim history it has become increasingly linked with insult to the Prophet Muhammad. In Islam the depiction of the Prophet Muhammad in any way is strictly forbidden and is considered blasphemous.enReligious dignityFreedom of religionFreedom of expressionConflict of rightsInternational human rights lawSharia lawSalman RushdieMohammed cartoonsLimitation clauseHierarchy of rightsInvestigating the conflict between freedom of religion and Freedom of expression under the South African constitutionThesisUniversity of the Western Cape